Preview: Covert Environmental Modification operations & Global Warming:

VANCOUVER, B.C. - Electronic Weapons such as HAARP and exotic weapons such as chemtrails/contrails, according to leading researchers, are covertly accelerating Global Warming, climate change, and unstable weather as part of a covert depopulation and global political control strategy.

GUEST: A conversation with Jerry E. Smith, author of Weather Warfare: The Military's Plan to Draft Mother Nature, on how covert environmental modification operations accelerate Global Warming.

HOST: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd

Part I (37 Minutes)
Part II (17 Minutes)
Part III (2 Minutes)

This is a preview of an important COOP RADIO programme to be broadcast Monday, March 19, 2007 on Vancouver COOPRADIO 102.7 FM, at Noon - 1 PM PT. Because the information revealed on the programme about the truth behind accelerating Global Warming and freak, erratic storms and weather is so important, we are releasing this public preview now.

In this preview, you will learn that the melting of the ice caps in the Northern Hemisphere has been an environmental warfare objective of the U.S. military since at least 1966, for purposes of global military, territorial and political control.

In a highly documented book, Author Jerry E. Smith reveals that covert environmental modification weapons such as HAARP and a chemtrails/contrails program may be the actual 'tipping factor' in the melting of the Northern Hemisphere Ice Caps and the damaging erratic storms and weather that is accompanying this 'Global Warming'.

Smith says Al Gore's motion picture 'An Inconvenient Truth,' nominated to receive an Academy Award, should be called 'A Half Truth.' Listen to the COOP RADIO Programme segments above, and then follow through doing your own research. Jerry E. Smith's book, Weather Warfare: The
Military's Plan to Draft Mother Nature, is available at:

Thank you. URL of this article:


(Via Campaign for Cooperation in Space.)

Preview: Covert Environmental Modification operations & Global Warming

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